
Despite the vast changes in this world, and the overcoming of many racist beliefs and concepts that eliminate the humanity of the other and his ability to create and excel across the horizons of science, technology, literature and the arts, especially since this historical era is witnessing major transformations in the level of maturity of the human mind, the Islamic mind is still nested in myth. He believes in the theory of superiority mixed with the legendary supernatural abilities granted to Muslims by Allah.

“You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad SAW and his Sunnah (legal ways, etc.)] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind;” 3:110

“Once, I asked a friend about the price of a smartphone that he had bought, so he told me without thinking: “I paid the Jew grease for it”.
Means: It cost me a lot of money.
It cost me the grease of a Jew! || كلّفني شحم اليهود — kllfny sahahm alyahud.

Vile popularity descriptions used by Arabs and Muslims in their daily conversations about Jews and Christians.
These disgusting and abhorrent descriptions are well-known to literally every Muslim & Arab and are widely circulated.

Jew, Hashak! || يهُودِي حاشاكْ — yahudi hashak.
When a story is told about someone who has bad morals: “Why does he do that? Is he/she a Jew, Hashak?
“Hashak حاشاكْ” is used to disavow a bad and shameful act, and the phrase “Hashak, Jew” said to every person who commits a shameful act. It means “don’t take it the wrong way” [the action that I’m about to take does not apply to you so please don’t get offended]. It’s very common among Arabic speakers.

Are you Christian? || هو انت نصراني — hu ant nasrani.
e.g. A person invites another to eat.
The guest apologises.
It is said about him/her: “Are you Nasrani/Christian?”
This is a vile description of Christians as impure/dirty.
It is known in Muslim literature that shaking hands with a Christian requires washing hands, and that sharing food with them will defile the Muslim’s body.
So, they mock those who apologise for sharing food, saying that they may be impure like Christians.

You Are Jewish! || انت يهودي — ant yahudi.
It is said in financial/commercial dealings, when someone is keen on his/her business and does not accept negotiations or reduce prices, for example. It is said about them in the form of blame and contempt: You are Yahudi/Jewish!…
Meaning that the Jews have no mercy/forgiveness.

Did a Jew die today?! || مات يهودي اليوم — mat Yahudi alyawm.
These words are said when someone has been absent for a long time from visiting his/her friends or relatives, but suddenly visits them.
So, to they say a warm welcome, it’s: “mat yahudi alyawm/Did a Jew die today?”
Meaning, it is a great event that we saw you today, because we only see you during great events!
“They consider the death of a Jewish person is a great and joyful event / One of importance.”

“Hiram naqd, wala burukha dayn”. Hebrew pronunciation. “حيرام نقد ولا بروخا دَين”
The “Jews” prefer guaranteed money, even if it is “Hiram/Haram/forbidden, to what is “Brukha / Permissible /Halal”, which their hands cannot reach/Debt.
That is, the Jews are greedy, they love money that comes from an illegal source, and they are all “usurers.”
Hiram “Hebrew” means: Forbidden /Haram “Arabic” .
Brukha “Hebrew” means permissible /Halal “Arabic”.

Some proverbs convey the image of the stingy Jew, that money does not leave from under his/her hand except with the soul leaves the body.
This phrase is embodied in a common proverb in Yemen, which says:
“wajbah min yahudiin wala safar ‘iilaa eadn.” “بدا -أي وجبة- من يهودي ولا سفر إلى عدن”
It is easier for me to fight and get a meal from a Jew than for you to ask me to travel to Aden.

“Aden is located in the far south of Yemen”.

In the ninth year of “hijra” (migration), Muhammad declared absolute control of the heart of the Arabian Peninsula and considered Islam the only religion of the region to whom it was subjected. The declaration came in the first forty verses of Surah Al-Tawbah (repentance).

The verses of Tawbah did not only reveal military hegemony over large parts of the Arabian Peninsula, but also included a view that Islam was a sacred religion, and that all other religions were impure creeds, and all those who do not convert to Islam are considered impure; and the verses said: (O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are impure, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-Haram after this, their [final] year.) Surah Al-Tawbah: 9/28

Arabs have a saying, about which they are perfectly serious: “First we take care of Saturday, then we take care of Sunday…” By this, they mean the Jews, whose sabbath is Saturday, and Christians, whose sabbath is Sunday.

- sallif issabt bitlāqī il-ḥadd qiddāmak: ‘Let Saturday pass first, then you will find Sunday before you.’
- ugb il-sabit laḥḥad yiǧī: (Iraqi Arabic):’After Saturday comes Sunday.’
- man qadam (i)l-sabt ylāqī (a)l-ḥadd ‘uddāmū (Egyptian variant): ‘Whoever lets Saturday go first, will see Sunday in front of him.

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