

History tells us that Muslims follow a similar pattern when they emigrate from their countries of origin in Dar al-Islam (the Islamic world) to infidel lands such as those in the West.

First, a fairly small number go to the U.K. and establish a presence, a beachhead or colony if you will. Because they are small in number, they take pains not to cause trouble or attract attention.

Over time, as their numbers grow and an Islamic diaspora is formed, they begin making relatively modest demands, such as the serving of halal foods, the provision of special times/places for daily prayer, and so on.

As their numbers trend into the double-digits as a percentage of the population, Muslims begin becoming more assertive, even aggressive, in their demands. In the vernacular, they start flexing their muscles demographically. Muslims-only areas near major cities begin to form, and within them, sharia law is enacted and enforced by “sharia patrols” and the like.

It is around this time that attacks upon infidels ~ especially infidel women and children ~ begin to ramp up, both in duration and intensity. Mobs of Muslim youths begin setting fire to cars en mass, vandalizing churches and synagogues, or committing acts of rape and other forms of assault. Officials pass these acts off as more-or-less random acts of crime, but in reality, they are the beginnings of a campaign of jihad.

As the Islamic presence grows further, their increasing numbers embolden the trouble-makers, who begin to wage acts of low-intensity warfare upon surrounding society.

We see this in places like Sweden, where police stations have had to fortify themselves against small arms fire and grenade attacks. Or in the Islamic ghettos outside of Paris, France ~ which are so violent and dangerous that emergency fire and medical personnel will only enter with an armed escort.

By this time, the Muslims are quite open about their control of certain sectors of major cities. When several hundred of them decide it is time for prayer and roll out their prayer mat en-mass and pray towards Mecca, there isn’t a whole lot the authorities can do about it, even though the “migrants” have closed down a major traffic thoroughfare in the process!

These are signs of domination, of rule over the kafir or infidel. And the Muslims know it… just as they also know they are doing as their prophet commanded.

The tipping point into generalized civil unrest occurs somewhere in between this stage and the time during which the believers attain numbers sufficient to allow them to wage irregular warfare against others whom they deem targets.

Using such events in Africa as a guide, this can occur with 20-30% of the population being Muslim, sometimes more, depending on local circumstances and other variables. If the government is pro-Muslim, as it was in the Sudan during the 1990s Darfur crisis, serious trouble can erupt quite early on.

Of course, no civilized person wishes for any of this mayhem, chaos, or violence to occur, but ordinary people often have no say in the matter and therefore must take prudent steps to protect themselves and their loved ones.

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