
Nazis attempted to cover up their crimes in the Holocaust—and denial of the genocide persists to this day. Scholars say memorials—like this one in the former train station of Pithiviers, France, from which Jews were sent to death camps—are essential to fighting anti-Semitism. PHOTOGRAPH BY CHRISTOPHE PITIT TESSON, POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES | @ImtiazMadmood

In 1938 there was a conference in the French town of Évian, called by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The conference was to apportion refugee German Jews to nations prepared to take them. There were few takers — Jews were despised across the globe.

Today we have a ‘Palestinian’ refugee problem. German Jews did not destroy nations, but ‘Palestinians’ did.

Lebanon was once a gorgeous French Riviera-type destination, now it is a hole full of excrement.
Why? Because they, as a Christian country, lost control of the Muslim ‘Palestinian’ refugees that they so kindly took in and sheltered.

Jordan nearly went the same way. Only the machine guns saved the day.

In the ‘Palestinian’ context, a ‘refugee’ was someone who had been resident in the land for over two years.

A UN agency UNRWA was set up to assist these “puir wee bairns”, but somehow refugeeism amongst ‘Palestinians’ became a permanent hereditary entitlement keeping thousands of UNRWA employees very happy.

Most of the residents of Sderot are now refugees, too. They have been rehoused in other cities around the country, probably more than 30,000 if one includes kibbutzniks and those fleeing from Netivot city about twelve miles away, but only about five miles from Gaza). Nobody is looking after them.

Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, as is CAIR in the USA.
The MB is the epitome of Islamofascism, and its founder, Hassan Al Banna was an acolyte of Adolf Hitler.

In 2016, Hamed Abdel-Samad published a provocative book entitled Islamic Fascism in which he suggested that the ‘Islamofascist’ worldview has its origins with the Muslim Brotherhood, which ‘had always eulogized the principles of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.’

Abdel-Samad also suggested an association between the ‘Islamofascist’ ideas of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini:
His hatred for Jews, support for Hitler, and praise for the Holocaust. In the midst of US airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Salam Saadi, the editor-in-chief of Rudaw Kurdish, pinned the fascist label on ISIS:

The Islamic State (ISIS) is nothing but a blend of Islamic fatalism and radical nationalism that tries to compensate for all the past humiliations of the Arab world. This makes ISIS a fascist ‘state’.”

The fascination of Islamic radicalism with fascism is not new. Hassan Banna, the Egyptian founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, said in a book in 1935 that Italian fascist and dictator Benito Mussolini was practicing one of the principles of Islam.

The relationship between Islamic extremism and fascism is historical. The extremists have used the Koran to look down on and degrade non-Arabs, boasting that God sent his latest revelation in their language.

Western politicians run scared of the MB and its capacity for violent extremism (and its globalist backers):

What is of interest here is Saadi’s characterization of ISIS as a ‘fascist’. The term ‘Islamofascism’ has largely disappeared from the lips of US and Western policymakers and academics, no doubt inspired by fear of alienating the Muslim world.

President Trump prefers the term ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ although his former chief strategist Stephen Bannon called ‘jihadist Islamic fascism’ the latest phase of an existential struggle and ‘war’ between the Judeo-Christian West and the Islamic world.

President Barack Obama’s administration did not evoke comparisons between Islamists and fascists, as it sought to win hearts and minds for its less aggressive military posture in the Muslim world compared to the George W. Bush administration. Yet, from 2014 to 2017 journalists, bloggers, and some academics equated ISIS or other Islamist groups such as Hamas with fascism.

The screwups that left the fence unprotected at the crucial time indicate some form of collaboration or gross incompetence (or maybe both).

Kibbutz Be’eri was (partially) saved by some 200 IDF reservists who got in their cars and drove south, without orders from the high command. The attack helicopters were held on the tarmac for six (vital) hours before being allowed to fulfill their raison d’être.

Incompetence or collaboration aside: once more, people left in Sderot are feeding the soldiers. There are surprising problems with logistics in the back areas, and called-up reservists lack tactical vests and ceramic (bulletproof) plates and food. People are trying to get stuff to them but moving equipment considered to be war material can be difficult.

Politicians seem to live in a fantasy world of their own making. They know that they will never have to fight for their lives, and they are powerful enough to ensure that their friends and relatives will get ‘safe’ jobs. Their danger comes from their voters whom they constantly betray and humiliate. Thus the constant drive to render the average Joe Soap impotent and unable to defend himself.

In Israel that has backfired badly, and Hamas was able to exploit this. Not only were people unarmed, but access to armouries was impeded for hours because nobody knew where the keys were, and the weapons themselves were uncared for.

In 1930s Mandate Palestine, the local police stations had dozens of SMLE rifles that could be issued to the (Jewish) population in the event of an Arab rebellion. It was planned because Muslims had done exactly that in the various Arab-on-Jew massacres.
The 1920 Jerusalem massacre was incited by Haj Amin.
"1920 Nebi Musa riots , Jaffa riots 1921, 1929 Palestine riots “Western Wall” or "alBuraq” disturbances". "And also, violence erupted on April 1936".

The British imprisoned Ze’ev Jabotinsky, a Jewish conservative:

Jewish self-defense and the 1920 Palestine riots

After Ze’ev Jabotinsky was discharged from the British Army in September 1919, he openly trained Jews in warfare and the use of small arms.
On 6 April 1920, during the 1920 Palestine riots, the British searched the offices and apartments of the Zionist leadership for arms, including the home of Chaim Weizmann, and in a building used by Jabotinsky’s defense forces, they found three rifles, two pistols, and 250 rounds of ammunition.

Nineteen men were arrested. The next day Jabotinsky protested to the police that he was their commander and therefore solely responsible, so they should be released. Instead, he, too, was arrested, and the nineteen were sentenced to three years in prison with Jabotinsky being given a 15-year prison term for possession of weapons, until a July 1920 general pardon was granted to both Jews and Arabs convicted in the rioting.

A committee of inquiry placed responsibility for the riots on the Zionist Commission, alleging that they provoked the Arabs. The court blamed “Bolshevism” claiming that it “flowed in Zionism’s inner heart”, and ironically identified the fiercely anti-socialist Jabotinsky with the socialist-aligned Poalei Zion (‘Zionist Workers’) party, which it called ‘a definite Bolshevist institution”.

There is evidence that the British administration facilitated the 1920 pogrom in order to demonstrate Arab superiority and opposition to the later San Remo Conference.

For the whole of his life Jabotinsky was a force for conservatism, fighting the malign influences of the proto-Communist Ben Gurion.

It is ironic that the British saw all Jews as Bolsheviks (globalists in modern terms), and maybe still do. The Hamas massacre of October 7 is also nothing new: in 1920 babies’ heads were smashed against walls, and the chant was “The government is with us, kill the Jews…”

We can see in the continued international support for Hamas that nothing has changed.

Jew-hatred is endemic within the British middle classes, as strongly represented by the British Left and academia.
That Jew-hatred is there in the US, too, but maybe more restricted to wealthy Ivy League students and faculty, and to recent Muslim immigrants.

So where are those feminists who are usually so raucous?

Are they turning a blind eye to violence against Jewish women?

Do they only care about a narrow subset of ‘elite’ upper middle-class females?

All I can say to those privileged lefties is that they need to be aware that they are living in a straw house and the Islamic wolf is at the door huffing and puffing. They, too, will not be spared…

On October 7, Hamas killed Nepalese and Thai agricultural workers, but they also murdered Bedouin workers, fellow Muslims. They were killed because they lived in Israel.
Let this be a lesson to those who think that by marching and waving a Palestinian flag they will be saved.

CAIR is the bland and cruel visage which hides the real, Hamas-like face of the MB in the USA. Be afraid, be very afraid! ‘Islamophobia is both sane and rational.’

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