
The first beneficiaries of what is happening in France and Sweden and the campaign of hatred against which the two countries are subjected are the European countries themselves and all Western countries, not to mention even all of humanity.

YES! What happened is a "Scream" from the Arab & Islamic communities. As these communities may undermine these countries when their proportion increases. What is happening in Europe is a new Islamic invasion in the name of "immigration & asylum" this time.

Muslims do not multiply through immigration and asylum only.

There is another more dangerous trick, which is the intensity of childbearing, and the reliance on social welfare payment that grant free housing, education and health insurance. Especially for mothers who have Lots of kids, many husbands adopt a fictitious divorce process so that their wives and children can obtain these benefits!

Thus, they can have lot of children without taking responsibility for spending on them.
On the contrary: Children spend on their parents by exploiting benefits they receive, however, this leads to an increase in childbearing!

We are facing a real war between backward & developed societies, in which the latest soft means are used, including the exploitation of laws in developed countries. Unless European & Western countries rectify themselves, they will soon fall into grinding civil wars that will bring humanity back to the time of religious and ethnic wars.

In my opinion, the most appropriate solution to these risks is to stop granting Citizenships. It is sufficient to grant them the right to permanent residence, and all other rights as citizens, except the right to obtain citizenship and vote in elections.

Likewise, citizenships are only granted exceptionally, as a “privilege”, Not as a “legal entitlement”, to those who prove that they were able to integrate into these societies, imbibed their culture, values and their first loyalty to them, Not to their countries of origin or religious affiliation.
Add to that, the possibility of these countries to deport those found to be involved in repeated acts of violence.
The policy/plan of deportation (followed by the Arab Gulf states - Gulf Cooperation Council/GCC) will push Muslims, as well as non-Muslim communities to respect the laws of the country that hosts them, regardless of their percentage. In some Arab Gulf countries, for instance, immigrants constitute more than 50% of the population, yet there is not a single march or any subversive protest movement.

In addition to this step, Western countries must put strict control over Islamic schools, mosques, as well prevent the new generations from indoctrinating the culture of violence & hatred by teaching religion in its traditional form, including clear texts of violence that are found even in the Qur’an and many books of Islamic religion approved by institutions. government religious in the Arab & Islamic world.

Extremist curricula that incite violence, hatred, discrimination against women, non-Muslims, and vulnerable groups in society... are taught in Egyptian and Saudi government schools Including universities, for example other Islamic countries, along with, are issued by senior sheikhs/Imam of Al-Azhar institution in Egypt & members of the Council of Senior Scholars in Saudi Arabia, all of them official government institutions. That is, terrorism, is an approved approach in most Islamic countries close to Western countries, with which it has had strategic relations for decades! Nevertheless, it is the most exporting of violence, terrorism, the culture of hatred for the West and its values, and the community of each country transmits its backward and violent legacy to Western societies.

Here, Western countries bear the responsibility as well, as it is not the fault of Muslim children in what they study in Islamic schools & mosques licensed by the competent authorities within the Western countries themselves, which pushes them to extremism, terrorism, hatred of Western society its values too.

The rest of Europe & Western countries should support France and Sweden in their struggle with the violent Islamic communities and in confronting the campaign of hatred and incitement against these two countries, To show solidarity with them, and enact sanctions against every Islamic country that enacts sanctions or a boycott campaign against France or Sweden.

The Western world must show its solidarity!
Islamic countries will not be deterred from exploiting such internal events in Western countries and won't stop fueling riots & rebellion and inciting Muslim communities in Western countries to hatred & violence except by threatening them with sanctions.

I expect that the flames will spread to other Western countries soon. There will be an infection similar to that of the Arab Spring in 2011, unless Western countries deal firmly from now on.

Arab & Muslim leaders -most of them dictators- are looking for something to offer their oppressed peoples, So there is nothing better than exploiting these events that strongly flirt with the religious and national sentiments of peoples, TO show that they are the protectors of religion and belief, and support Islam and Muslims wherever they are...

I write this out of concern for Western societies, what’s more, above all, out of concern for the entire human community. Western countries and values are the center of our human society, and when it shakes or collapses, it is the collapse of humanity.
It won't be like any previous collapses, as the nuclear and biological weapons possessed by humans are capable of leading to any upcoming world war to annihilate humanity, destroy the planet and make it unfit for life, not only for humans but for the majority of creatures, especially the mammals from which humans descend.

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