
Let's see the religion of peace before we had the West, Israel, Charlie Hebdo and CIA to blame for all our violence:

Khalifa Era:

- Umar (2nd Khalifa of Islam) was murdered while leading a prayer by a Muslim.
- Othman (3nd Khalifa of Islam) was killed by Muslims. 1st Khalifa Abubucker's son is also involved.
- Ali (4th Khalifa son in law of Muhammad) was killed by Muslim.

Amawi Era:

- Then Hussein (grandson of Muhammad) was killed and beheaded by Muslim.
- Al-Hassan (another grandson of Muhammad) was poisoned Muslim.
- Two missionaries, "Talha and Al-Zubayr", were killed by Muslim.
- In a battle of Camel between "Ali" and "Aisha" (the site of the camel) . Some 10,000 Muslims were killed by other Muslims!
- In a battle between "Ali" and "Muawiyah"... Muslims were killed by Muslims
- In a battle between "Ali" and "his followers" (Nahrawan) .. Muslims were killed by Muslims.
- In a battle between "Al-Hussein" and "Yazid" .. 73 members of the Messenger of God's family were slaughtered by Muslims.
- In the battle to quell the "Madina Revolt" against the rule of the "Umayyads" in anger at the killing of Hussein ... 700 immigrants and supporters were killed by 12,000 Muslim Umayyad forces.
- In the (Free Battle), in which the Umayyad army led "Muslim ibn Uqba," his friend, the companion, the stronghold of Maqal ibn Sinan al-Ashja'i .. and kill him!
- "Abu Lahab" and "Abu Jahl" (both pagans from Muhammad days) did not dare to hit the "Kaaba" with the catapult and demolished parts of it ... but "Al-Husayn Bin Nameer", the commander of Abdul Malik bin Marwan's army, did it during their siege of Mecca.
- The “Jews” or “infidels” did not dare to offend the Messenger of God Mosque by pissing in it.. but the commander of the army of Yazid Bin Muawiya transformed the mosque for three nights into a stable, in which horses urinated!
- In the succession of Abd al-Malik bin Marwan: Abd Allah ibn al-Zobayr was killed by Muslims.
- In the succession of Hisham bin Abd al-Malik: Zaid bin Zain al-Abidin bin Al-Hussein (descended from the Prophet’s descendants) was not only killed ... rather, they crucified him naked at the door of Damascus .. for four years ... then they burned him.
- Then the Commander of the Faithful, Marwan bin Al-Hakam, was killed by Muslim hands.
- Then the Commander of the Faithful, Omar bin Abdul Aziz, was killed by Muslim hands.
- Then the Commander of the Faithful, Al-Walid bin Yazid, was killed by Muslim hands.
- Then the Commander of the Faithful, Ibrahim ibn al-Walid, was killed by Muslim.
- Then the last Umayyad caliphs were killed .. by "Abu Muslim Al-Khurasani".

Abbasi Era:

-"Abu al-Abbas" - the first Abbasid caliph - killed everyone who was descended from the descendants of the Umayyad sons of the caliphs.
- He gave his orders to his soldiers to unearth the graves of Amawi Era leaders in "Damascus", so he exhumed the tomb of Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan and found nothing in it except a thread, and exhumed the tomb of Yazid bin Muawiyah and found in it a wreck like ashes, and exhumed the tomb of Abdul-Malik and found it true that only his rabbit had been destroyed, and he struck him with whips ... .. and burn it .. and blast it in the wind ..
- In a battle whose two sides were "Ansar Abu Muslim" and "Abbasid Army" .. Thousands of Muslims were killed ..
- The Durr tree killed Ezz al-Din Aybak and the wife of Aybak killed the Durr tree by throwing clogs.

Ottoman Era:

- After the death of "Ertugrul", a dispute arose between his "brother" Dundar and his "son" Othoman, which ended with Ottoman killing his "uncle" and took over the rule, and thus the Ottoman Empire ..
- His grandson "Murad the First" when he became Sultan .. He also killed his "two brothers" Ibrahim and Khalil for fear of their ambitions ... Then, when he was on his deathbed in the battle of Kosovo in 1389, he instructed to strangle his "son" Jacob so that his "brother" did not compete for his succession.
- Sultan Mehmed II (who conquered Istanbul) issued a legal fatwa in which he legalised the future sultan's killing of his brothers for the sake of the country's unity and supreme interests. Sultan Mehmed II 11th Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire Çandarlı Halil Pasha.
- Sultan Murad III killed his five brothers immediately after his inauguration as successor to his father.
- His son Muhammad III was no less criminal, so he killed his nineteen brothers as soon as he took power to become the record holder in this field.
- Turkish journalist Rahmi Truan adds in an article titled "Memories of Kings", saying: "Muhammad III did not content himself with that. He killed his 16-year-old son, Mahmoud, so that the 14-year-old son, Sultan Ahmed, who it was later known for its construction of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) in Istanbul.
- When the "Ottoman Empire" wanted to extend its influence over Cairo, they killed fifty thousand Egyptian Muslims.
- Thus, Egypt became an Ottoman province.
- Sultan Selim then killed his "two brothers" for refusing to use the violence he had used in his rule.

In all of the above:
Both side shouted Allahu Akbar during the battle. Both prayed for same peaceful god. So, next time someone tell you Islam is religion of peace and all the violence we see is invented by the west and CIA, ask them...Do you even know your history???

Surah 3:151: “We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …”

Surah 2:191: “And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)

Jews and Christians will be in the fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures - Quran 98:6

Surah 9:5: “Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …”

Jews & Christians, believe in Islam before We destroy your faces & twist them toward their backs & curse you - Quran 4:47

Those who disbelieve in Islam, We will drive you into a fire & roast your skins over & over - Quran 4:56

Those who resist Islam - Kill them, crucify them. Cut off their hands & feet from opposite sides - Quran 5:33

For the thief, the male & the female cut off their hands - Quran 5:38 Allah turned the Jews into apes and pigs - Quran 5:60

What is the matter with you that you do not fight Jihad in the cause of Allah? - Quran 4:75

Disbelievers worship Satan. So Muslims! fight against the disbelievers - Quran 4:76

Non-Muslims wish you would disbelieve like them. Do not be their friend until they emigrate for the cause of Islam. But if they turn away, seize them & kill them wherever you find them - Quran 4:89

And kill the unbelievers wherever you overtake them. Fitnah is worse than killing - Quran 2:191

Fight them until there is no more disbelieving of Islam & until all worship is for Allah alone - Quran 2:193

Fighting Jihad warfare has been ordered upon you. Perhaps you hate it, but its good for you - Quran 2:216

Those who disbelieve in the verses of Allah will have a severe punishment - Quran 3:4

Muslims! Do not take non-Muslims as friends - Quran 3:28

You will not enter Paradise before Allah tests those who fought Jihad in His Cause - Quran 3:142

We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve - Quran 3:151

If you are killed in Jihad in the cause of Allah it is better than anything else in this world - Quran 3:157

Never think of Jihadists who have been killed as dead. They are alive in paradise - Quran 3:169

Jihadi Martyrs receive good rewards and favour from Allah - Quran 3:171

Women who have unlawful sex. Lock the guilty women in their houses until they die - Quran 4:15

Men are in charge of women. Those wives from whom you fear arrogance - Advise them, forsake them in bed, Finally, beat them - Quran 4:34

Allah prefers those who fight Jihad in the Cause of Allah with their lives above those who sit at home - Quran 4:95

The disbelievers of Islam are ever to you a clear enemy - Quran 4:101

And the worldly life is not but amusement; but the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah. Quran 6:32

We destroyed many cities, Our terror came to them at night & while they were sleeping - Quran 7:4

The homosexuals, We rained upon them a rain of stones. Then see how the end of the criminals - Quran 7:84

Non-Muslims are comparable to dogs - Quran 7:176

Those who deny Our Quran - We will lead them to destruction from where they do not know - Quran 7:182

Terrorise & behead those who do not believe in Islam & strike off their fingertips - Quran 8:12

We will behead those who have wronged and others, know that Allah is severe in penalty - Quran 8:25

Keep Fighting the disbelievers until there is no more disbelief in Islam - Quran 8:39

The worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are non-Muslims - Quran 8:55

When you capture the unbelievers, punish them severely to deter the rest - Quran 8:57

Prophet Mohammed! To keep prisoners of war you must inflict a great massacre - Quran 8:67

Those who emigrate to an Islamic State & fight Jihad will go to paradise - Quran 8:74

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the unbelievers - Quran 9:5

Fight unbelievers. Fight them until they give the jizyah Muslim Tax - Quran 9:29

Jews and Christians are perverts, may Allah destroy them - Quran 9:30

Praise the Muhajireen fighters - Quran 9:100

Allah has purchased from the believers their lives & their properties in exchange for paradise - Quran 9:111

Muslims! Fight those disbelievers next to you and be harsh! - Quran 9:123

Jihadists the enemy won't kill you, only Allah can do that - Quran 9:151

To disbelievers - Should we force Islam upon you? Against your will? - Quran 11:28

Whichever Muslim leaves Islam, upon you is wrath from Allah, and for you a great punishment - Quran 16:106

For those who disbelieve in Islam, garments of fire, boiling water will be poured over their heads - Quran 22:19

We will melt your skin and burn your stomach. And hooked rods of iron to punish you - Quran 22:20

O Muslims, abstain from sex, except with your wives & slave girls. Sex with them is lawful - Quran 23:6

Adulterers - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, & take no pity for them in the religion of Allah. Let a group of the believers witness their punishment - Quran 24:2

Muslims you may enter houses not inhabited, and take goods that you need - Quran 24:29

And do not compel your slave girls to prostitution - Quran 24:33

Do not obey the unbelievers but launch a great campaign against them with the help of the Quran - Quran 25:52

And this worldly life is not only a diversion and amusement, but paradise is also the real-life - Quran 29:64

Allah cast terror in the hearts of the Jews and Christians - Quran 33:26

Accursed, wherever found, they shall be seized and killed with a (terrible) slaughter - Quran 33:61

And if We willed, We could have deformed them, [paralyzing them] into lifeless objects, in their places so they would not be able to proceed, nor could they return (As it happened with the Jews see Verse 7:166) - Quran 36:67

Those who worshipped other than Allah, guide them to the path of Hellfire - Quran 37:23

Indeed, that is how We deal with the criminals - Quran 37:34

Indeed, you disbelievers of Islam will be tasters of the painful punishment - Quran 37:38

Those who deny the Quran, When the shackles are around their necks & chains; they will be dragged In boiling water; then in the Fire they will be burned - Quran 40:70

Those who disbelieve in Islam, strike off their heads. Take them as captives. The command of Allah - Quran 47:4

Thus you are ordered by Allah to continue in carrying out Jihad against the disbelievers till they embrace Islam or at least come under your protection. If it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have punished them (without you). But he lets you fight, to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost. - Quran 47:4

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