
I will talk about a monster, a monster we released and provided with food and drink until it grew older; we have made it known in our schools and promoted it under the term “our cultural identity”.
Tribalism and alignment behind the “guardian” who takes the role of God on Earth, and the inheritance of customs and traditions that were wrong and even abnormal in those days, circulated by Muslims in our time and they call it “identity”. Even Al-Azhar, which is said to be the bastion of moderation, has promoted, taught and supported this monster. We taught our children and we learned that those who disagree with us in civilization, race, religion and sect are infidels, idolaters or unclean. The policy of acquiescence is prevalent in our Islamic and Arab societies; thus for silence on injustice, we say “the wisdom of man”… And we force ourselves to adapt to humiliation and call this calamity “virtue and moral generosity” .. We interfere in the affairs of others and impose our views and beliefs on them under the name of “advice”. And when they ask us about freedom we can only think of laying bare .. We find freedom “a calamity that entered our societies” .. We have not resorted to religion except for fatwas to expiate others and hallucinations of “halal and haram” (lawful and unlawful), so that our life turned into “haram area”; even things of personal taste in food, clothing, silk, silver, tattoos, music and art, as if God has nothing to do except to constrict His slaves, to torment them in the Hereafter! Thus the monster I am talking about has begun to brutalize…

False thoughts are added to strange ideas and produce anomalous ideas fueled by this monster.

We do not want to admit that our cultural project and the identity project have failed miserably because of the incursion of religion in our attempt to be different from the West. We are ashamed of the West and do not want to recognize its knowledge and its favour for the world; and our superiority prevents us from recognizing it.
Humanity is sick and tired of us and of our destructive ideas. Anyone can go to a public place, a park, a cultural center or a university and say “God is greater.” Then you will find out how all the people escape and flee from you because we have become a symbol of intimidation and fear after we helped this monster grow among us. We used to feed it with our hands, and we raised our children on its teachings, and then we boast about it and say: This is my identity!
We do not know how to take our decision and we are hesitant. We want the Islamization of democracy, not the democratization of Islam; we do not want enlightenment and reform of thought.

In a beautiful word to Margaret Thatcher, she says: Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.”

This is how we Muslims are, and this is the secret of our backwardness when the world entered the period of modernity and development. We do not know how to take our decision. We are lost between Sharia, heritage and inherited legacy, and the civil state. We find ourselves one step forward and two steps back, and impose our so-called “identity” on these peoples who hated themselves from the rigidity and different context of the religious texts of our times.
Dear Muslim, do not bury your head like ostriches and do not take hypocrisy as a pretext to change colour like chameleons… But stand and be truthful with yourself like a man and review your fragile texts; be honest with yourself stop beating round the bush. No one harms you as much as you do to yourself. You descend into the abyss, the pitfalls of the bottom and the loss and end up in a lake burning with fire and sulfur …
Stop being hypocrite and lying to yourself before lying to the rest of mankind through the Islam of “export”. When you meet a non-Muslim, you begin to promote the Quranic verses of closeness and co-existence with the people of the book “Christian and Jewish” and about human brotherhood, and that peace is Islam. These verses came down in a certain context at the time and the books of interpretations are full of explanations that all your scholars agree that they were orders at the beginning of Islam to attract as many people as possible.
Also stop deceiving yourself and others. admit that you are pursuing Islam of “Takfir” (blaspheming others). When you describe followers of other non-Muslim religions as the evil of the animals, invoke Allah’s imprecation upon them, and label them as monkeys and pigs “as in the Quran when describing every non-Muslim person,” and that any one of them who criticizes the Islamists, is in your view unbelieving, apostate and heretical, and Allah will cast them into the fire.
Thirdly and fourthly, always stay away from the obsession of “Islamophobia”. Phobia is a mental illness known as persistent fear of certain situations or activities when they occur. People do not really fear Islam. It means that even in this claim you show injustice, but you are not right, but they call you to get rid of the fear and religious terror that you practice on others, and invite you to the world to get rid of the phobia of the fatwas.

Do not claim chastity while your thoughts are dirty!

Judge this racist heritage, which produces fundamentalist Muslims, to save the rest of our humanity and our lives.
A pen against a pen .. An idea against an idea; do not kill whoever criticizes you, and demand that everyone respect your thoughts while you reject the ideas of everyone.

Freedom from fear and the complex of terror, superstition, false statements and myths is the first way to find out who is offending you!


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