
As we study the history of Islam, we would find that power and influence is the central value guiding the movement of Arab society in all fields, as well controlling the behavior of individuals, and thus everything leads to power, provides influence, guarantees integrity or makes money is, from Arabs point of view, a big deal worth sacrificing everything!
Moreover, anything that impedes this central goal should, for them, be crushed even if it requires killing, demolishing the Kaaba, expelling the Medina or even committing genocide against Ahl al-Bayt — the family of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
Therefore, this confirms that Arabs had strongly avoided accepting Islam, as most of them had rejected it, until it was widely spread and became an unavoidable reality.
In addition to the fact that the struggle for power had been emerged before even the Islamic prophet was buried, and as the news of his death was almost spread, most of Arabs apostated. Three out of the four Caliphs, the successors to Muhammad, have been treacherously murdered, namely Umar ibn Al-KhattabUthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib, and, if his ruling lasted long, perhaps, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq could be added to the list. Also, Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz, the eighth caliph, has been poisoned, and, shortly after the death of Muhammad, his Islamic state invaded his city and destroyed his friends’ and their ancestry’s legacy, also, they demolished the Kaaba and committed genocide against its innocent civilians. Furthermore, Al-Hasan ibn Ali, the fifth caliph, has been murdered by poison mixed with food, in addition the crucifixion of Abd Allah ibn az-Zubayr, the youngest Sahabi (Arabic for companion) of the prophet Muhammad.
Few years after the death of the Prophet, his people whom he trusted had nothing for his family but evil. After they had gotten sick of their prayers, which imposed on them to pray for Muhammad and his family, and after their verbal glorification of Mohammed’s family, they killed them all, except one child who survived the murder, keeping the descendants of the Prophet.
It was a terrible, heinous massacre, which history has never witnessed before nor in any nation that respects itself. Nevertheless, Arab history ignores such a terrible, heinous event as if it were a justified transient event without even putting an end, fixing nor admitting it.
Murderers’ actions don’t stop there, after the humiliating slaughter, they ran over the bodies with houses, indulging in humiliation, abuse and revenge; stabbed the bodies with daggers and swords, expressing hatred and malice; cut off the heads of bodies as if they were just sheep; and circulated carrying the head of al-usayn, the grandson of the Prophet, under rain as if he was the most notorious criminal.
The murderers knew their identity, they knew that whom they were killed were prophet Muhammad’s, the prophet of Islam, sons, and they knew that all those horrific acts were against Ahl al-Bayt, whom “Allah command to pray for them in every prayer”!
All these terrible contradictions occur without being acknowledged by Arabs and Muslims because they consider terrible events as passable and justifiable.
As for those who have acknowledged these great contradictions, they feel, after fourteen centuries of such horrific events, shameful of this smudge in their nation’s history.
Tayeb Salih, Sudanese, one of the most famous Arab writers, and whom critics called ‘genius of Arab novel’, for example, describes the army that annihilated Ahl al-Bayt, saying,
“As if the demons appeared in the image of men, it’s clearer in the behavior of Sinan bin Anas, who carried the head of al-usayn, the grandson of the Prophet, and stood on front of ‘Umar ibn Sa‘ad’s tent and shouted loudly as if the devils had cursed him: ‘Hang gold and silver form my horse’s stirrup, I indeed have killed an eminent master. I killed the best person regarding the father and the mother, and the best person regarding the lineage’.”
Thus, he declares that he killed the best person, regarding the father and the mother, he says. He knows who this dead man is, but the dead man’s great privilege disrespects compared to the love of power and money; What’s more important is hanging gold and silver form his horse’s stirrup!
It is an endless series of major violations that have changed the course of Islamic history. It is horrific events convulse the conscience and reveal that Arab’s personality and poor values involve a substantial imbalance, which made the love of power, money, and influence dominate and diminish all good values, justify the complete separation between words and deeds, resulting in complete separation between saying and doing. As Allah addresses the Arabs through Qur’an by saying:
“Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do.” [As-Saff 61:3]
When we read the history of Mongols, we feel disgust due to their, as described, disreputable barbarity. However, when we read the history of Arab, we find that the Abbasids have, as they took over the power, exterminated the whole clan of Banu Umayya. The scene is repeated in Arab history throughout the following ages, including the events of military coups today.
Throughout Arab history, the changes are done due to power struggle, not to spread the truth, bring justice, or meet the interests of the nation. Arab history has not witnessed social revolutions. But rather coups and killing in order to displace a leader and replace him with another leader or to crush a ruling family and replace it with another family. It is not worth to all people, but the value alone to those who govern these people. As if people don’t matter, and all that matter is who ruling these people. Therefore, Arab history has not witnessed any change in favor of the interest of the community, which has made Arab’s situation regularly heading toward further deterioration, tearing and degradation, each century is worse than the one before.
The power is the central value in Arab culture, but accessing to this power, from Arab’s point of view, could not be achieved by greatest achievement, highest morality nor good intention. Arabs’ view of power is limited to two, and only two, factors:
Feeding the bellies or cutting off the heads! These are simply the two factors of human regarding the authority. They are trivial values that do not build a civilization nor make people impartial and free. In the twentieth century, as soon as the great powers overthrew the Caliphate, Arabs become the most contrastive, dispersed societies, and have been divided into Twenty-two country, in some of which populations are, at the time of its independence, few to the point that if they were distributed to their embassies, they would not be enough as employees.
Hypothetically speaking, imagine if the Arabs were who have emigrated to North America with this antagonistic, opportunistic spirit, what would be the situation in this united, happy continent? And compare the imaginary image with current real, rich image. If the Arab were who have discovered and lived in America, it would’ve been divided into hundred countries rather than a united country ruling the whole world.
Divisibility is absolutely the main feature of the Arab. China, for instant, comprises more than a fifth of world’s population and includes hundreds of sects, religions, races and languages, though, has been united for thousands of years and faced all the challenges of the centuries. Imagine its situation if the epidemic of Arab’s divisibility has spread over it, what’s its situation would be?

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