
The Atlantic Ocean region, which is close to the coast of the United States, recently had three hurricanes at the same time, for the first time since 2010. Irma, Katia, Jose, preceded by Hurricane Harvey.

The hurricanes destroyed many homes, cars and trees, causing casualties, as if a war had taken place in the region as shown by news agencies.
What happened is a kind of disaster that occurs on the ground, for various environmental and climatic conditions, human perhaps has some role in the occurrence of such disasters.

But this is not our issue today!

Some right-wing commentators went on to say that ” homosexuals and transgender people” were responsible for the devastation caused by hurricanes, including Harvey, last week. According to some evangelical characters who believe that homosexuals are those who caused Harvey hurricane, they also caused billions of dollars in damage, dozens killed and thousands displaced.

The Independent newspaper says that despite evidence which show that bad weather and climate change have had a hand in the storm that swept through areas of Texas, many voices have emerged to indicate a role of homosexuals.

Among them is “Swanson”, who believes the Bible calls for the death of “homosexuals” and the radio broadcaster “Rick Wales” believes that Ebola is an easy way to eliminate homosexuals.
“Christ sends a message that if the Americans do not repent, and unless Houston and New Orleans repent, they will be destroyed as well,” Swanson said in his program.
And added “This is the message that Jesus Christ is sending to America now”.
While “Wales” said in remarks published by Right Wing’s website:
“This is the city that boasted of its dedication to homosexuals and its attraction to sexual perversion, it’s under water now.”
Some Muslim clerics say that “hurricanes and natural disasters” are a wrath of God on America because of its actions in places and regions around the world, and that these disasters are part of divine punishment.

Shameful posts and tweets written by some of the pioneers of social media sites, “relieved” with the consecutive hurricanes that have hit America, considering them as a feast and divine wrath “as they think.”

Disasters often occur, and many people say it in their conversations and analysis of such circumstances, trying to justify them with affairs of divine wrath or punishment, …. ignorance. Many countries would have been humiliated by the divine punishments … for example, “Syria … Iraq … Somalia … Palestine … Lebanon … Turkey … Egypt … Libya … Tunisia … France … Germany and others “as evidenced by the large number of killings, bombings and wars, in addition to the frequent occurrence of earthquakes in them ..

Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and other disasters are natural changes influenced by the climate and various natural and geographic conditions. They may actually be divine messages to humans to increase care and attention to the conservation of life’s blessing on Earth, and perhaps not, but occur in accordance with the norms and laws of change on this earth ..
During the invasion of Iraq in 2003, there was a major sandstorm on Baghdad and other provinces ..

The storm was considered a “divine victory against the invading forces” and the mosques’ platforms were launched with speeches that enthused people, considering the divine support that would upset the balance of power and make the matter for the benefit of the Iraqi army.

And of course, the “Battle of the trench” was invoked, the ancient Islamic battle since 1400 years ago and the storm that hit the polytheists …
There were the ones who swallowed the illusion and believed …
The storm did not last more than two days. It had no effect on the outcome of the war …
After 14 years …
The same mentality is now in dealing with natural phenomena …
The essence of what I want to reach is that our view of events and facts is not limited. We want them to be broad and comprehensive. We interpret them logically and soundly and do not interpret them according to human moods and desires. For this purpose, we use the Qur’an and the Bible to comport with interpretations of the facts and events that occur in our lives on a daily basis here and there…
Supplicate peace for them, wish them good and help them … Because natural disasters do not differentiate between a Muslim, Christian, Jewish, homosexual and Buddhist … and no passport check is made before it hits us to determine sex, religion and affiliation!!

With all my best wishes of peace, safety and good health for the whole world.

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