
Double standards & A declaration of supremacism!

We note the keen interest and excessive concern of Muslims in the search for the so-called “Halal - Allowed” foods, such as meat slaughtered in the Islamic way and other foods.
However, when you see the careful concern of a lot of Muslims from different nationalities and religions to buy halal food, you feel like in front of angels from heaven they are not human!

The disgusting paradox of these, that they buy the "Halal food" with what they consider “Haram - Unlawful or Forbidden”, money as they describe the Haram money with 2 parts:

First, these people consider the money of non-Muslim Western countries as Haram as its source from "taxes by laws" their religion did not legislate it, so this defamed mind considers it "Haram"!
"Their laws are Sharia only".

Second, is that they buy the “Halal food” with “Haram” money they had by scamming laws in the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia.
They lie on social security institutions and banks.
Some of them prefer to work in black market~Illegal workers and other behaviors which are against the law and scam the countries that opened their doors for them and gave them the best social health, educational, and legal care.
Add to that, granted them residency or citizenship and housed them inside its neighborhoods, instead of tents, like those found in Syria, Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon, Or did not do as some Arab & Islamic countries which refused to let an immigrant in.

The funny thing is that Muslims who insist on getting Halal meat, they don’t compare it to meat in their countries which is filthy, dirty and In addition, there is no legal health oversight.

Unfortunately, some of the largest Western food companies and Retail merchandising help them to provide and promote these foods!

Just wondering,
Are cigarettes Halal?
Are made, produced, manufactured, processed, and stored using machinery, equipment, and/or utensils that have been cleaned according to shariah?

Most of them smoke these smuggled cigarettes without knowing its source.

Let’s assume that the Western slaughtering methods are harmful for their health -as some of them claim-, Is it possible that the West insist on this and endanger their lives?
Is it possible that the Sheikhs of Islam who didn’t unite to interpret one word and have no health knowledge, are more accurate than hospitals, laboratories and scientists in Europe and USA?

Imposing these beliefs is one step closer to the caliphate.

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